Monday, April 20, 2009

Assignment #13

Hello, I'm responding to assignment # 13 on the blog instead of writing it on paper.

The first question is " In your opinion, Who won the War of 1812? Why do you think that?"

In my opinion, the British won the war because they practically won all the wars against the Americms except for onewhich was Washington and Baltimore. The Americans didn't really win the war, they won half of it like it was tied up between the British and Americans. I also may think that no one won the war because in the end Treaty of Ghent signed that there was no more wars as in the wars ended.

The second question is "Is there always a winner in a war? Why or why not?"

There doesn't need to be a winner because if there is a winner lots of people will get injured and the wars won't stop because they know that their going to win the next and the next and the next wars that are going to come. Some times they don't know if there will be a war but they will eventually find out and be prepared for it so they win as always. I also think that there doesn't need to be a winner because people can live without injuring each one another if there isn't any wars. I was wondering why people in British and people in America can't get along with each other? Why can't they live together or even not live together but be friendly and visit their lands from time to time? Why can't they just stop fighting for land if they already have their own land, they don't really need others land because others need their land too? They need their land to survive just like how others need to survive. I know that was kind of an argument but I just needed to say that. Well that's all for my assignment. Oh, and can someone answer my question please, I really want to know. Thank you

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment #8

This is my response to assignment #8...but I will obviously link to this assignment on Miss.Pollock's blog which is right below that says "The Real Riel."

The Real Riel

Interviewer: Hello, today is a really special day for all of us. We are going to have the greatest guest in all....Mr.Louis Riel. Everybody give us a round of applause.

Mr.Riel: Thank you everybody, It's a honor to be here with you and answer the questions you would like me to answer, I am positive that I am going to have a great time today with all my audience and of course you "Miss.Meshal."

Interviewer: Well than, lets get started with all the great questions from the audience and of course me. The first question will be from one of the audience. Now lets see, who has a question that they would like to ask Mr. Riel? Oh, I think we see our first hand raised at the back stage. hello young lady, whats your name?

Kerrifa: Hello, my name is Kerrifa.

Interviewer: Oh, what a lovely name that i haven't heard before. Now what would you like to ask Mr.Riel?

Kerrifa: Thank you very much. My question for Mr.Riel would be....I heard on televisions and radios that you were called a traitor and hero, now for the first time they are saying that you are a founder of Manitoba, which is something the Metis people have demanded for years. What was your expression when you heard that?

Mr.Riel: Well, that is a very good question. When I heard that, I can't really explain my expression because theres no way to express it but, I am very happy now because the Metis people will walk around with their head up high, and I will not let anything ruin that for them.

Interviewer: That was a very good question and thoughtful answer. For our second question I will like to ask you, how did you establish champion of the Metis?

Mr.Riel: Well, It started on October 11, 1869. People were proclaiming that Canadian government had no right to act without permission. Sixteen Metis led by me stopped a crew of surveyors on my property. It was a really important incident because it was the first act of resistance to the transfer of the Settlement To Canada and because I established champion of the Metis.

Interviewer: Wow!!! That is a very good answer for my question. Now we will go to the third question, but we will like to take it from the audience. Anyone like to ask Mr.Riel a question? Yes, I see a hand at the back row. Hi whats your name?

Reda: My name is Reda.

Interviewer: Oh, what a lovely name, all of you have names that I've never heard of before. I will be back with you Reda, I just want to go around to some people and ask what their names are.

Reda: Okay.

Interviewer: Hello, Whats your name?

Samra: Hi, my name is Samra.

Interviewer: Another wonderful name. Now last person to go to is you in the red shirt.

Handi: Hello, My name is Handi.

Interviewer: Another one. Now we will go back to Reda. So, what was your question that you wanted to ask Mr.Riel?

Reda: My question for Mr.Riel today is, What ran through your mind as you stood on the scaffold, waiting for your trapped door to open to your death?

Mr.Riel: Wow!! I really never thought anybody would ask me that question, It's the first time ever someone asking me a question similar to that. It is a wonderful question. Well, I thought about the turmoil, the turmoil that surrounded me. The turmoil that surrounds the controversial Metis leader.

Interviewer: Those were all wonderful questions. I don't think we have time for one more question, so that's all for today. Thank you Mr.Riel for joining us here today and answering the questions we were wondering.

Mr.Riel: Your welcome, and thank you for having me with you. Have a good day everyone, hope to see you soon.

Interviewer: Good bye! Now this is the end of our show. Hope to see you guys next Saturday, good bye now!

Hope you enjoyed my assignment #8. Here are some links that I got my information from.

Link #1
Link #2
Link #3

Vow of Silence!!!

At the moment on February the 18Th at 1:40 to 2:30 which is one whole period, my class (E7A) are doing a practice of the Vow of Silence. It all started by Hanad the super duper kid!! We found them at the door of the lab, lined up and all silent, so my teacher Miss.Pollock decided to make a practice of the Vow of Silence so we can be used to it when it is March 5Th-6Th(You don't have to do it for the whole day but it would be nice to at least try it, plus its fun to experiment it and know what the people that can not speak feel like). Right now its actually easy because we are distracted by the computer but, when the day of Silence comes you won't be able to go on the computer or chat with any friends on MSN or face book or anything like that. On the day of Silence we are suppose to stay quiet for 24 hours (1 whole day) and we can't speak to any of our sisters/brothers/ parents (etc.). We can't even write a note to them,but we can make hand movements and/or face movements so they can understand us (its going to be hard!!). Right now i feel like I was just talking but i actually wasn't for 28 minutes so far. I am proud of my self and for my classmates and of course the lovely Miss.Pollock, because we are doing a great job. So, I just wanted you to know that doing the Vow of Silence is a great thing for those who can't speak. Hope you liked my post. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment #7

This is my response to assignment #7....

4.a) Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded", "we fought", "we built" or "we governed" section the best? Why?
I liked the section "we built" because it had Samuel de Champlain, and last year i had to do a project about him. I also liked "we built" the best because they put influential people that shaped Canada's landscape.

b.) Which personality interested you the most? Why?
Samuel de Champlain interested me the most because he ventured by canoe in the wilderness. As he was in the wilderness he met aboriginal people and he negotiated with them. With the aboriginals he was helping them in the war and as well he traded furs.

c.)In your post, suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be added to this site. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into?
The three people I think would be a great influential Canadian are Rosemary Brown, Richard Preston and Terry Fox. I choose these influential people because they all can be great influential people because they all did something in their life to save people. I think that Terry Fox would fit into the category "we fought". Rosemary Brown would fit in to the category "we governed". I think Richard Preston would fit into the category "we built".

7.d) Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with? Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person? What are some things that are different between you and that person? The two people I have in common with are Harriet Tubman and Thomas Longboat . The person I had the most in common with is Harriet Tubman. Yes I was able to figure it out from the clues given . Some things I don’t have in common with Harriet Tubman are that she helped escape from slavery and I didn’t . She doesn’t have any record of her birth because she was a slave and I do have a record of my birth because I wasn’t a slave . We are both similar we both are girls, we both love to sing, and we are both not from Canada.

8.e) One hundred years from now, (in 2109!) imagine that students are learning about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker? You are using your imagination, so think about some things that you would like to accomplish in your life and imagine that you have all the accomplishments of your life to look back on. Write a short profile of yourself, imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada. (Write this as though you've lived your whole life. You may have been a phenomenal athlete, the first black Prime Minister, cured cancer...use your imagination!) In a hundred years from now which is in 2109, Mariam Meshal was known as a famous artist, that made the best piece in 2108 (99 years from now!) Mariam never was famous, but when she started to draw, people would say "Why don't you be an artist?" She thought that she isn't good enough. After awhile she put her drawings on the Internet and became famous. Mariam was shocked, but she started drawing and she became the most best artist in the world. No one ever had seen such amazing, and emotional pieces of art. One of her best pieces was the last one she made because she was drawing it while she was dying. She made her last piece about every feeling she would get when she was drawing this piece. It was a sad, happy, suprised, shocked,(etc.) piece. Well thats pretty much everything about her.
I hoped you liked my assignment #7, and keep intouch because their might be more assignments coming up. Thank you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assignment #6

This is my response to assignment #6 is....

The first thing i will do is show you the website that i got my information from so just click on the links below and they'll show you where i got my information.
1) Link #1
2)Link #2

Rosemary Brown is a Politician, feminist that is born in Jamaica but she grew up on the tropical island. Rosemary Brown is remembered for her empowering speeches that inspired all who listened, but even more so for her contribution to Canadian politics, feminism, human rights, and international development. Rosemary Brown was a social worker before becoming the first black women elected to a Canadian legislature in 1972. She went to Canada in 1950 to study about racism at McGill University. Rosemary Brown went to Vancouver in the mid- 1955 because racism was apparent there. She also went to Vancouver to marry Bill Brown and she supported him while he finished his medical degree. Saying in a part “... to be Black and female in a society which is both racist and sexist is to be in the unique position of having nowhere to go but up!”

White people didn't think racism was a big deal, people that had a different skin colour they didn't take sexism a major issue, she proved that racism and sexism and lots of other things are horrible. In 1993 she was named to the Canadian Security Intelligence Review Committee for a five-year term. Rosemary Brown is the Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission. She served as the organization's Special Ambassador and then President. Rosemary Brown served in the legislature from 1972 to 1986.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment #4

I checked out all my peer's blogs and they were all fantastic, but the two i LOVED were Hanifa's in E7A and Fatema's blog in E8C.

I think Fatema did a great job on assignment three, except i liked how she said " I believe Canada will put a stop to violence that is started over drugs, politics, and money." Well i wish that will happen too, i mean like there have been lots of violence and murdering that started because of drugs and more kinds of drugs even money as Fatema said. She has a great point there that i think everybody should go check her blog out.

The other blog i loved was Hanifa's blog. It had terrific ideas of what she thinks will happen in a hundred years from now. A statement i loved that Hanifa wrote was " (positives-the job that a person can work on is substituted with a mechanical tool." That would be amazing,especially lots of adults are lazy and they don't feel like waking up they can work on the computer at home. The adults that work with a mechanical tool will be great for them, because if their sick or tired and they can't go to work, they can work on their jobs using the tool (Computer,Laptop,etc.) at home without missing a whole bunch of work their supposed to do.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Assignment #3

What i think Canada will look like in hundred years from now is...... before i start i think you should go check out Christopher Moore's blog.

I think we will be living underwater because of what will happen to the glaciers when they melt. There will be towers and everything will change for underwater source. There will be halls to get from place to place that connect to everything else like, buildings, schools, shopping malls, dentists/doctors/hospitals, movies, because there won't be any vehicles around but scooters and skateboards and bikes, carts; etc. There will be robots to help people get around from place to place, also teleporters would be around to get somewhere easily. Teleporters could be a great use for going on a vacation to another country or visiting other countries. We would pretty much be safe and a big city but underwater. Creatures would be living on top of us but they won't be able to come down and harm us because there is a blocking shield on top of our country/city/town that will keep them out. Everything would be the same the only difference is that our new world would be underwater. I think that we would be using more electricity then gas down there, maybe even more batteries to use for stuff like lights, ovens, washing machines, television, computers/laptops, and other sorts of stuff you could think of like that. We wouldn't pollute the air like we have in this world and being scared of global warming, taking care of our new world is all it would really take. I think our new world would be much safer, and that's just what i think maybe it'll be different but that's just what i think.

Welcome Creatures!!!!

Hello. My name is Mariam. I am a grade 7 student and this is my first time ever to blog.We're going to be blogging about Canadian history but i don't know if we're going to be blogging about geography in February the 11Th. I am very exicted and can't wait to see all the new and fun assignment we'll be doing.Well i hope you enjoy my blog and add comments and i will be adding new things to my blog so keep on checking it out.

Oh! Don't forget to check my history and homeroom teacher's blog Miss.Pollock.