Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment #8

This is my response to assignment #8...but I will obviously link to this assignment on Miss.Pollock's blog which is right below that says "The Real Riel."

The Real Riel

Interviewer: Hello, today is a really special day for all of us. We are going to have the greatest guest in all....Mr.Louis Riel. Everybody give us a round of applause.

Mr.Riel: Thank you everybody, It's a honor to be here with you and answer the questions you would like me to answer, I am positive that I am going to have a great time today with all my audience and of course you "Miss.Meshal."

Interviewer: Well than, lets get started with all the great questions from the audience and of course me. The first question will be from one of the audience. Now lets see, who has a question that they would like to ask Mr. Riel? Oh, I think we see our first hand raised at the back stage. hello young lady, whats your name?

Kerrifa: Hello, my name is Kerrifa.

Interviewer: Oh, what a lovely name that i haven't heard before. Now what would you like to ask Mr.Riel?

Kerrifa: Thank you very much. My question for Mr.Riel would be....I heard on televisions and radios that you were called a traitor and hero, now for the first time they are saying that you are a founder of Manitoba, which is something the Metis people have demanded for years. What was your expression when you heard that?

Mr.Riel: Well, that is a very good question. When I heard that, I can't really explain my expression because theres no way to express it but, I am very happy now because the Metis people will walk around with their head up high, and I will not let anything ruin that for them.

Interviewer: That was a very good question and thoughtful answer. For our second question I will like to ask you, how did you establish champion of the Metis?

Mr.Riel: Well, It started on October 11, 1869. People were proclaiming that Canadian government had no right to act without permission. Sixteen Metis led by me stopped a crew of surveyors on my property. It was a really important incident because it was the first act of resistance to the transfer of the Settlement To Canada and because I established champion of the Metis.

Interviewer: Wow!!! That is a very good answer for my question. Now we will go to the third question, but we will like to take it from the audience. Anyone like to ask Mr.Riel a question? Yes, I see a hand at the back row. Hi whats your name?

Reda: My name is Reda.

Interviewer: Oh, what a lovely name, all of you have names that I've never heard of before. I will be back with you Reda, I just want to go around to some people and ask what their names are.

Reda: Okay.

Interviewer: Hello, Whats your name?

Samra: Hi, my name is Samra.

Interviewer: Another wonderful name. Now last person to go to is you in the red shirt.

Handi: Hello, My name is Handi.

Interviewer: Another one. Now we will go back to Reda. So, what was your question that you wanted to ask Mr.Riel?

Reda: My question for Mr.Riel today is, What ran through your mind as you stood on the scaffold, waiting for your trapped door to open to your death?

Mr.Riel: Wow!! I really never thought anybody would ask me that question, It's the first time ever someone asking me a question similar to that. It is a wonderful question. Well, I thought about the turmoil, the turmoil that surrounded me. The turmoil that surrounds the controversial Metis leader.

Interviewer: Those were all wonderful questions. I don't think we have time for one more question, so that's all for today. Thank you Mr.Riel for joining us here today and answering the questions we were wondering.

Mr.Riel: Your welcome, and thank you for having me with you. Have a good day everyone, hope to see you soon.

Interviewer: Good bye! Now this is the end of our show. Hope to see you guys next Saturday, good bye now!

Hope you enjoyed my assignment #8. Here are some links that I got my information from.

Link #1
Link #2
Link #3


Sabrina H said...

hey mariam, this is so good and you asked good questions!!


Janet said...

Your interview is VERY good.

Hanifa K. said...

:D Kerrifa,"a lovely name that i haven't heard before." Hahahahah